Then the LORD called Samuel. Samuel answered, "here I am!" and he ran to Eli and said "here I am, you called me?" But Eli said, "I did not call, go back and lie down." so he went and lay down. 1st Samuel 3:4-5
I'm reading in 1st Samuel right now and this dialogue between Samuel and God really touched me. Sometimes I will be busy working on something while my husband is also busy working on something, usually in the basement and I will hear someone call my name. I will run to the basement steps thinking my husband needs me for something when infact he never called me at all. I will chalk it up to me hearing things and carry on with my project never giving it another thought.
One day it happened 3 times. Just like Samuel.
I wonder if it was God.....I know it was God. That day I wasn't listening. I heard God call my name and I turned away. I wonder now what He wanted.
God kept persuing Samuel. That's the other thing that really touched me in this passage. God kept calling to Samuel He NEVER gave up, it wasn't until Eli finally realized that God was trying to talk to Samuel did he pay attention. Even when we aren't paying attention God still calls to us. Even when we're wrapped up in our daily life He still wants to talk to us.
He talks to us through His word, do you spend time with Him every day?
He talks to us through Christian music, do you worship Him every day?
He talks to us through a friend, do you have Christian friends in your life you fellowship with regularly?
Do you make yourself available for Him to speak with you? More often then not I'm not quiet enough to hear Him during the day but as soon as my children go down for a nap and I open up His Word I finally quiet myself enough to hear Him and what a sweet voice it is.
Do you hear Him calling you? He wants to talk to you today.
Then Eli realized the LORD was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel, "Go and lie down, and if He calls you say, "speak Lord, for your servant is listening." The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel, Samuel!" Then Samuel said "Speak, for your servant is listening."
1st Samuel 3:8-10
I know the Lord is speaking to me, though I don't always hear it. There is too much "noise" in the world. I am learning to block all else out and hear God's voice. Great post!
I love your perspective on this passage. God is calling, but I don't always listen. I want to be so in tune with Him that I always hear and recognize His voice.
I think that fact that He never gives up, that He is always in loving pursuit of us... that is what drew me to the realization of His deep and awesome love He for us. I want to hear Him above the roar of life around me!
While I've learned to listen to Him more and more throughout my day, I have no doubt I've missed things He's tried to tell me.
Great reminder to keep learning to listen more closely!
Have a Blessed Day!
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