
Monday, March 7, 2016

A New Adventure


I'm 1 of 10 people involved in planting a Church.

I'm feeling very nostalgic today..(is that the right word?)

I'm thinking back to years of serving at our home Church. The friendships, the hard work, the absolute joy of serving. And then the hurt when we left, the ruined friendships, the broken trust. But then I look at today, and I think oh my gosh...He really did call us out of there. It was God. I KNEW it was God but I was filled with so much fear, so much regret, so much anger and sadness and doubt.

Oh doubt is so powerful, definitely doubt.

Today I'm the Church Secretary and the Worship Leader. We've been having services regularly for the last 6 months. I know how to make church bulletins, order invitations, set up meetings and appointments and plan outreaches. God speaks to me every week and tells me what songs to choose, sometimes He will even give me a word to speak over the Church during worship.

I look in the mirror and I don't even recognize myself.

God is working. He's moving. He's growing this baby Church despite his band of misfit followers and He's building something amazing. Something beautiful. Something only He can build. So I remind myself, when it feels like God is silent just wait a while, He's actually working so deeply and fervently on something so spectacular that if I just wait, the thing will start to take shape, mold into something amazing and the journey is going to be so worth it. I was created to serve and worship such an amazing God and that's exactly what I'm doing with all my heart.

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