
Monday, November 28, 2011

God is still good

Today I'm sick. I have an awful chest cold. It feels like a giant is sitting on my chest making me unable to breath, but God is still worthy to be praised, even on my off days.

Today I'm counting my blessings, and they are all about God.

1) This verse : My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19 and the tiny victories I see today, in practicing this verse.
2) The fact that God loves me just as I am, but He loves me too much to let me stay where I'm at.
3) This video

4) The pain from the chisel but knowing it's making me holy, more like Jesus.

5) The lessons I'm learning from my husband about being a gentle spirit, kind, loving even when things are stressful.

6) God speaking to me through a Veggie Tales movie and the lessons I learned watching it with the kids and a blog post to share the lesson with everyone else.

7) Cuddling with my sweet 3 week old nephew during worship yesterday morning and feeling lead to pray over him and knowing he will grow up serving and loving the Lord.

8) My husband who gets up every morning to pray and read his Bible before anyone else is awake...even on the weekends.

9) The strength to let go of at least one burden, and continuous prayer to let go of other burdens.


Jenifer Metzger said...

Beautiful list. Those Veggie Tales can be very convicting. ;)

Praying for you!

Heidi said...

I'm sorry you're sick dear friend... praying for you! Love your list and I also love it when God speaks to me from what my kids are watching or listening to. What's really great about that is the confirmation that we are listening enough to hear Him in everything! Love that! Feel better :)

Phather Phil Malmstrom said...

So sorry to hear you're sick Mandy, but I love your list and "attitude of gratitude"!

Prayers for you to feel better soon!

Have a Blessed Day!

Unknown said...

I LOVE your list, Mandy! :)