
Friday, August 19, 2011

I didn't quit

I'm posting at Woman to Woman ministries about holding God's hand even when we feel like we know better, please click over and check it out if you can spare a few minutes, we love having visitors in our little area of cyber space!
So anyway, I have a secret...

I'm a quitter.

When things get hard, when that little voice starts whispering to me that I'm going to fail so why even try then I start agreeing and I give up. When I have done something really good and I don't see any results then the next day I give up. I want all the benefits without the hard work. That little voice tells me I'm going to quit this next thing before I even get started. Sometimes it's a real person that comes along and tells me it won't succeed so why even try and I believe the person because of course, I'm a quitter right...

Excuse me little voice, I beg to differ.

I'm NOT a quitter. I'm a new creation. Set free with the blood of Jesus.

For a while I've been feeling like I should quit blogging. The doubt rushes in and I think no one is really reading. I'm not helping anyone, no one cares what I have to say and then God knocks on my heart and tells me...

Mandy you're not a quitter, just wait on Me and I have  plans for you!

God has other plans. There are some new and exciting things happening with this blog and I'm very very excited to see what God wants to do. So how about I just tell ya'll what's up huh?

Starting next week on Tuesday (because it has a T in it lol) I'm going to start Tot School Tuesdays, in which I share what God (with me in tow) is planning as I learn how to homeschool my kids. I'll share our "lesson plans" craft ideas, work sheets, snack ideas...the whole nine yards. We're going to feature a letter a week that cooresponds with a shape, a color and a number and certainly most important a Bible story. I'm so so so excited for what God is doing in me and my kids...not only is this a way for other moms to get ideas but it's to keep me accountable. I'm not a quitter but I sure could use some accountability in my life.

ALSO Starting next week (because I'm anal and have to start out writing about something new in a new week (lol) I'll be starting Get Fit Thursdays. This isn't just about losing weight (even though that's definitley part of it) it's about slimming down on self doubt, self loathing, fear, anxiety, past hurts and anger and everything else keeping us from giving our all to Jesus. I suffer from every one of these ailments and it's time to let them go so I'm going to be talking about these things on Thursdays. (I wish there was a day of the week that started in G (smiles)
So anyway while I love love love visitors every time I post, definitley come back those days and see what God's working on.

I'm not a quitter and neither are you.
We are new creations set free by the precious blood of Jesus!


Jenifer Metzger said...

SO very excited for your new adventure! You will offer so much encouragement to stay at home moms and homeschooling moms. And getting fit physically but also slimming on self doubt, how awesome! You are not a quitter but a WOMAN WHO SAYS YES TO GOD!

Unknown said...

"Excuse me little voice, I get to differ" Wow, I love that! It goes along with "it's not mine to worry about." :) I'm gonna use that, ok? I hear a "newness" in your words. (new is the word of the day, if you didn't know). I'm so excited for you!!! I love your Get Fit Thursdays idea - slimming down on self doubt, fear, anger. So, so good! You go girl! Nothing's gonna stop you with God by your side. :)