
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I had a rough day Monday. Actually I've been having several rough days. Every day for the past several weeks have been rough. My attitude has been horrible and my walk is more like a crawl. Finally God opened my eyes and spoke to my heart and I responded. An hour later my husband came home with a single pink rose, it's not open yet but when it gets water and blooms it will be beautiful. Kind of like my heart. When I let God water my heart I will bloom and grow and be beautiful for Him. As I was thanking my husband for my rose and thinking about God James 1:17 came to my memory and I silently thanked God too. The gift of a rose was a perfect gift after a long day and feelings of failure in my heart. Thank You Lord for the perfect gift and showing me once again that You're not giving up on me.


Jenifer Metzger said...

So sweet of John. :)

It is wonderful how God used your husband's gesture of love to speak to you. Love it!

Debi said...

This post echoes my feelings exactly! Long several months and definite feelings of failure...that's my world lately! BUT, God is in control...well, if I would just open up and let Him water me...

Phather Phil Malmstrom said...

Isn't it wonderful how God knows what we need, and always finds some way to deliver it when we're open to Him? So happy that you got that encouragement Mandy!

Have a Blessed Day!

Heidi said...

What a sweet husband and what a wonderful God to use that rose to trigger just the truth your heart needed to hear! Praying today has you basking in His peace Mandy!

Unknown said...

I love that God used that rose to remind you how much He loves you. And what a great analogy. If we let Him, God will water our hearts and we will bloom. Love it!