
Thursday, June 16, 2011

He's in the whisper

Continuing in my reading about Elijah. I also read 1st Kings 19:9-18. This passage was so good to me. Elijah finds rest in a cave and God starts talking to him and instructs him to go out and stand on the mountain in God's prescence because God is about to come pass by him. Winds tore all around Elijah, but God wasn't in the wind, after the wind came an earthquake but God wasn't in the earthquake either then came a great fire but he wasn't in the fire either.

"After a fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, What are  you doing here, Elijah?" 1st Kings 19:12-13

Did you see that? God was in the whisper. Not just a whisper but a gentle whisper. God is gentle.

Don't you wish sometimes God would send down huge bright neon lights and yell at the top of His holy lungs His plans for us. Don't you wish there were flashing arrows at every turn and a road map for us just for that extra protection? Well there is a road map ~ His Word the Bible but God doesn't have to yell. He shouldn't have to, we should have our ear turned to Him at all times, praying and listening for instruction.

Strength and power are not always found in the dramatic and sensational. There's great power in the whisper. We're supposed to imitate God and be gentle in spirit, quiet and humble so we can hear Him and His instruction. I'm not quiet or gentle but I want to learn how to be, I will do whatever it takes to become gentle like my Father.

Lord help me quiet my spirit, help me be gentle
so that I may always hear your whisper. I love you Daddy.


Eileen said...

I've always loved this account about God being in the whisper. I think it is also a good reminder that God is found in the everyday life. Each moment is an opportunity to hear His voice. We just have to be listening. Thanks.

Jenifer Metzger said...

Great post Mandy. I want my words to be few so that I can hear God's voice. I love learning to quietly sit in His presence.

"Lord help me quiet my spirit, help me be gentle
so that I may always hear your whisper. I love you Daddy." I second this prayer!!

Deane said...

Great post. God is gentle and yes, at times I wish He would yell at me but I love His gentleness as I know His love is just as gentle. I also want to learn to be quiet and listen to what God wants to say to me even in a gentle whisper. Have a great day and blessings to you, Mandy.

Shanda said...

Maybe this is why I crave silence and aloneness so much. For in the hustle and bustle, one cannot hear a whisper.

Kelli said...

You are so right...I am always begging for a burning bush moment. But God is in the whisper, the gentle nudge, the stir. Those quiet places are usually where I find hime! Thanks for a beautiful reminder! I needed it...

Unknown said...

I love this! I want to be still enough to hear His gentle voice. I echo your prayer. God, please quiet my spirit and help me to be gentle.

Phather Phil Malmstrom said...

Mandy, I think this is one of your best posts. :-)

The statement "Strength and power are not always found in the dramatic and sensational. There's great power in the whisper." is absolutely wonderful, and in my opinion, very often missed. God does some of His best work quietly, behind the scenes, with no fanfare whatsoever.

I pray we all listen for those vital whispers of our Heavenly Father. :-)

Have a Blessed Day!

Reformed rebel said...

Hi Mandy...nice to meet you.

Yes at times I do wish He would just yell at me!! However...I also love the gentle whisper.

Greta post. Can't wait to read more.

Blessings in Him