
Monday, April 11, 2011

Take every thought captive

Good Morning, friends. I'm sorry I haven't written in a long time. God and I have been working through a few things. I want to share one of the really big things He's been speaking to me about latley.

My thoughts.

At any given time my mind will be racing. What to have for dinner, what I need to get done around the house. What bills need to be paid, how much and when. Even things that don't have any real purpose at all, I'm just not able to quiet my thoughts. Sometimes I have 50 million prayers going to God, He hears our thoughts so I wonder what He must think of all this stuff being directed at Him.

Sitting still to hear Him is virtually impossible. I've tried time and time again to just sit still in His prescence but my mind starts to race and I get frustrated. As I've been home from work for a week and my children have thrown one test at me after another and I continue to fail these tests my mind takes a different direction.

I'm a failure. I've made a horrible mistake. I should have let our daycare lady continue to raise my children because I'm not cut out for the full-time mom business. I will never get this right so why even try.

"...and we take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ..." 2nd Corinthians 10:5

Did you know we are able to take our thoughts captive? That means back them up against a wall shake our finger at them and say NO, I'm a child of God this is NOT how I want to think and I will NOT let this way of thinking run my life anymore.

Do you have a thought that is holding you captive? Something like you're not good enough or you will never overcome what ever trial you're facing. I don't want my thoughts to hold me captive. I don't want self pity to rule my life. I'm their mother I will learn. It takes time. God says I'm in the training period.

I'm still learning this "thought thing" but with everything else it takes time. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 and I am sure that God started this work in me so He's gonna finish it.


Jenifer Metzger said...

Satan uses our thoughts against us often because we let him. We are children of God, Jesus girls. We are not to think like that. God made us how He wants us and we are good. Great post!

And, you are a WONDERFUL mother! It will just take some getting used to. Love ya!

Unknown said...

Boy, this hits home with me. I need to take some thoughts captive. Thanks for this reminder.
We can NOT do this in our strength, but that's ok. We weren't meant to rely on our strength, but God's.

Deane said...

A great post. I wonder how many have felt this way and have been ashamed to tell anyone. I pray those people will read your post and find out they aren't the only ones. Thanks for being truthful with us. It sure helps when we know we aren't the only one. Thanks for the post and blessings to you.

Unknown said...

A very hard thing for me to do is take my thoughts captive. The mind is my biggest stronghold. I've been replacing my negative thoughts with Scripture memorization and it's working so far!

Phather Phil Malmstrom said...

This was an excellent and transparent post Mandy... Thank you for sharing it.

Getting a grip on those inner doubts and fears can be a daunting task. They truly can hold us hostage if we let them. We are all flawed, and all have these feelings but if we lift those concerns to the Lord, He can quiet our troubled minds and soothe our hearts.

You're in His embrace... You'll be fine. :-)

Have a Blessed Day!