In Luke 10:38-42 Martha was worrying. She was freaking out because God was practically sitting in her living room and her house wasn't clean, the food wasn't cooked and I'll bet her laundry wasn't done either.
When I know someone is coming over, I turn in to this crazy person. A cleaning, preparing, wiping things down mad woman. When I know pay day is coming up, I turn in to a bill paying grocery planning crazy person...when the money isn't where it's supposed to be worry and fear creeps in.
Then, there was Mary. She's calm, probably so excited though that she finally gets to hear Jesus teach..she couldn't care less about clean laundry, dinner or a clean house. Her Jesus has come to see her and He's close enough to touch and He chose to teach her!
I hope when Jesus told Martha to chill that she sat down to listen to his teachings..but it got me thinking..
How many times a day do I worry about such meaningless things..too many times to count. If I just go to the source where everything comes from, He will work it all out. I want to be Mary, free from worry. Sitting at my Saviors feet listening to Him teach in total love with just the sound of His voice.

Today I choose to be Mary, looking to God instead of the need. He will work it out, all I have to do is listen to His voice.
"Martha, Martha" The Lord answered, "You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
Luke 10:41-42
I learned a long time ago that all the dust and clutter will be there tomorrow. Today will be gone tomorrow. So...when my kids were little, I decided that it was more important to stop fretting about the house, etc. so much. I told my husband that when the kids were grown, our house would be clean like we both like it. It made for a much more calm home life. Thanks for this post...I love this story about Mary & Martha!
I have always been a Martha. I stress out about everything. Just like you said, when someone is coming over, I stress about the house being acceptable. When the bills are due, I stress about not enough money. I hear about a car accident where I know a loved one is and I worry. Lately I have been trying to be more like Mary. I want to have peace. Peace in all things. Even when things are bad I still want to have the peace and joy that only GOd can provide. Thank you for posting!
I am a Martha too! I am a worrier and have to turn my 'worrier' heart over to God daily...that he'll help me be a Mary and just sit and rest in Him...
I want to choose to sit as Jesus' feet. Nothing else matters if I don't have Jesus.
I am a Martha too... but I so long to be a Mary. It is a process for me. Some days I can get in a Mary state of mind and stay there and other days Martha demands to be the star.
I like this "Hopefully some day we will truly understand that we really are nothing without God." This is a good lesson for everyday life. We let all the little things stand in the way of our relationship with Jesus. No meal preparation or anything for that matter is more important. Thanks! ;)
Another Martha here :) but aspire to be a Mary! I don't lose hope though because event though Martha messed up she loved Him too!
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