Power in prayer
It's simple: If you don't spend time with God, you are cutting yourself off from His power. David tells us that it is in the secret place of the presence of God that we are protected. When we spend time with the Lord in prayer and in His Word, we are in the secret place. It is a place of peace and security where we can give Him our cares and trust Him to take care of us.
We really need to understand the awesomeness of God's presence and what is available to us as believers. Why in the world would we not want to spend time with God? Even Jesus would get up early in the morning to be alone with God. He knew the value of being in the presence of God.
Just dedicate a portion of your time to spend with God. Try not to be legalistic about it, but do try to be as regular with it as you can. Take time to read the Bible, and any other Christian books that minister to you. Talk to God. Sometimes you may want to listen to Christian music and worship; other times you may just want to sit there and enjoy the silence. Open up your heart and let His presence into your life.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, whose power no foe can withstand. Psalm 91:1
Let everyone who is godly pray, pray to You in a time when you may be found; surely when the great waters of trial overflow, they shall not reach the spirit in him. Psalm 32:6
Have you prayed today? God's waiting...
Spending time with God in our secret place is so very important!! I can tell a difference in my life now from before I started spending time with God each day. And on those VERY rare days I miss spending time with God for some reason, I can tell. We need that fellowship with Christ. We need our Daily Bread. It is a must. And it is so important to have that time with God away from other people and distractions. Great post!
God is always waiting. How many times do disappoint Him because we don't spend time with Him? I want to spend time with God everyday.
How I love Psalm 91:1... isn't it awesome how He makes himself totally available to us. And how He sustains us. And loves us. What a blessing to be a child of God! Great post!
I couldn't make it through a day without my quiet time... great post!
I like this "It's simple: If you don't spend time with God, you are cutting yourself off from His power." And what a power it is. It still blows me away to think that the same power that raised Jesus from the grave is available to us...who wouldnt want to tap into that power. Receiving the Hosly Spirit's power makes for thankful people. Thankful people are peaceful people!
great post!
Very good! So, so true! "Psa 16:11 Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore. ."
"Psa 43:4 Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God my exceeding joy: yea, upon the harp will I praise thee, O God my God."
These verses tell me that spending time in His presence is where we gain the joy that gives us the strength to walk the next mile, or change the next diaper or fix the next meal. Those times are so precious, so why do people not pray? I have a friend who claims to be a great Christian but she has no joy, there is an emptiness knawing at her, my heart tells me that she is not finding herself at her altar every day. That has changed my life like nothing ever has or could, my time with Him today gave me the strength to joyfully go through my day, why would I shortchange myself? Because that is who would be losing out, me.
Hugs, Cindy
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