Lysay Terkeurst defines these two as gatekeepers, which is so true. Both of them keep you from moving forward for Christ.
Acceptance: "I want to fit in, I want to say the right words, do the right things so I will be friends with everyone." The need to feel accepted by everyone is powerful, but you can't be fully accepted by the world and still truly walk with God.
Rejection: "Well if I don't do or say what they want me to say or do then they won't want to be around me." This is big for Christians, Satan tries to tell us if we talk about God and our relationship openly with others then we will offend someone and embarrass ourselves.
Acceptance and Rejection are two very powerful tools Satan uses to hold us down. He tries this with me daily, hourly. Whether it's fitting in at work, fitting in at Bible Study, or even just being around my new friends. Even while I'm writing this blog everyday, the devil will try to creep in and tell me I'm not doing this right and I will look foolish.
I find myself very distracted latley with these troublesome thoughts of being accepted, most of the time I don't even relize which then turns in to worry.
With this conviction God showed me Satan is trying to distract me so I won't realize I was/am just looking for the approval of the world instead of keeping my eyes on Jesus.
This morning I told God, if I'm never accepted by anyone else it won't matter as long as I'm accepted by God. Sometimes the want of being accepted and the fear of being rejected can sneak up on us so this will be a daily choice. Minute by minute but soooo worth it!
All God asks for is our obedience and love. Keep your eyes on Jesus and you're automatically accepted.
What shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us.
Romans 8:31
Am I now trying to win the approval of men or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Galatians 1:10
So good! Thanks for posting this. Again, I really think you are amazing!!!
That is awesome! If never accepted by anyone other than Christ, that is okay! Thank you for posting!
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