
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Second Chances

My heart is heavy tonight Lord. I'm tired and sad. The memories of what I didkeep coming and flooding my mind. Is there no relief. When will I forget the past. I know you have. I know I have been forgiven. The messege today was all about letting people in, letting them know what you're going through. Why after you've forgiven me and moved on can I just not forget what I've done. There are so many other things in the world worse than my mistakes but why do I feel so alone. I lean on your word father God. I know there is freedom in your word. The truth has and will set me free. No matter what I've done you will never leave me or forsake me, you are always with me.

I feel better already. I pray you gaurd my heart and my mind against the enemy and his ways. There is no condemnation with you Lord, only love.

Always yours,

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