
Monday, July 25, 2011

I'm thankful

Dear friends, if you ever have days where you feel like you can't possibly take one more step forward, that God is NOT with you and does NOT care let me reassure you He does and He is!

My new journey started several months ago with the revelation of what God has for me but this weekend marked the first step forward. Today I'm worshipping. I'm praising and I'm reflecting. There's so much to tell that I think I will just count my blessings today.

1) Pool time with my kids in our very small very public backyard
2) A husband home for more than an hour
3) Playing and splashing around in the water with my husband and kids
4) Very visible spiritual growth
5) 45 minute sermon in a 2 hour allotted timeframe
6) A very dear friend who can think on her toes about games and Bible quizzing questions to keep the kids busy
7) Feelings of failure turned in to visions of the future
8) A written down messege from God hiding in my Bible telling me He's with me in the middle of 45 minute sermon
9) True and dear friends who minister to me and tell me not to give up in the midst of my tears
10) 1 little girl who was excited to hear me teach and wasn't afraid to show it
11) pictures of smiley faces left as a note for me on the computer after my sermon
12) Help with finding music for games from my best friend's son
13) A night of successful and FUN Bible class for VBS
14) The opportunity to teach kids who LOVE hearing about Adam and Eve and actually answer the days of creation correctly
15) Kids who love to worship Jesus
16) My Pastor who was a friend first
17) private conversations with my Pastor/friend about his nervousness at becoming a new never before Pastor
18) Encouragement from him to keep going and that he believes in me (I cry as I write that)
19) The love and strength and grace of my Abba Father
20) Feelings of complete peace and warmth of my Daddy after a long day, feeling wrapped in His arms

I learned a lot about myself, self confidence and strength and about faith this weekend. It's so obvious I'm growing. Sunday morning I put this as my facebook status "Today's the day and I'm going to jump in with both feet and let God do the teaching" and teach me He did. Sunday it wasn't me teaching the kids, it was God teaching me and I'm humbled at the experience.

Thank You Father God for who You are and your teachings. Thank you for that experience. I know you're always with me and I can walk with my head held high. I'm a child of the King.
 I love you Lord.


Unknown said...

I LOVE your list. God is certainly working in you. Your list shows how important the little things are. We never know what BIG impact our small act (like a smiley face) can have. Everything is a blessing when seen through God's eyes. Love, love, love!

Jenifer Metzger said...

Great list! God is doing great things in you and He has never left your side.

Heidi said...

Mandy, your list is wonderful! I got a little tearful as I read... "and teach me He did." He's so faithful to patiently teach us and move us into His place and position. What a victory you experienced! I feel proud of you because I know how hard it was for you to do what God was asking of you, but you trusted Him and did it anyway! I know He is rejoicing over you His precious child :) SO happy your teaching went well!!!

Phather Phil Malmstrom said...

What a wonderful list Mandy, and a beautiful testament to your growth in God. I have no doubt that your sermon went wonderfully, and that God was powerfully present throughout. :-)

Have a Blessed Day!