
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pray for your neighbor

Our neighbor is LOUD. At any given moment she turns her music up as loud as it could possibly go and our pictures rattle off our walls and crash to the floor. It's not uplifting Christian music's loud obnoxious head pounding music.

Every time we see her my attitude has been less than godly toward her. She's usually outside singing at the top of her lungs with her loud music playing just waiting and daring us to say something. I usually give her a dirty look and usher my children inside before any permanent damage is done to their little minds.

Since I'm home every day with the kids now it has been increasingly hard to keep my lips seeled to this woman. I want nothing more than to go crazy on her and her music haha...but I don't. One day as I was at the end of my patience (what little I do have) God spoke to me. He said "pray for her." I didn't want to pray for her, I wanted to go over there and pound down her door, why in the world would I pray for this woman...but still He instructed me to pray for her so I started simple, Lord please make her turn down the music and so He did...the next day she did the same thing and He told me to pray for her so I said Lord she needs You, please show her the Light and please make her turn down the music and so He did...I know my prayers weren't exactly whole hearted raise the roof revival kind of prayers but I'm learning (smiles) Day after day I've prayed for this woman. Every time she turns her music up I's not easy but it works, God convicts her to turn down the music and in that I'm sure He also speaks in to her heart. She's not saved but maybe He's working on a little miracle during all my prayers.

Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself, I am the Lord" Leviticus 19:18

I can't say I love this neighbor just yet but God is working on me, it just takes time. Do you have someone in your life that drives you crazy? Pray for them and see God move.


Deane said...

It is so hard to pray for someone we don't like but we need to remember not everyone likes us and perhaps someone has prayed for us. Our heart seems so much lighter when we pray for someone that needs it, doesn't it? God works through us at and even that is wonderful. Loved your post and your honesty. We all need the honesty you have shown. Blessings and keep praying for her.

Jenifer Metzger said...

It is so hard to pray for those we do not like or get along with, for those that bother us. But we must hold them in prayer. God is working in her, whether she knows it or not. You may never see the fruit, but by your prayers and kind actions, you are planting seeds. Thank you for sharing this, we all need to hear it.

Heidi said...

I adore you Mandy... I so know where your coming from! It reminded me of every time I pull up next to a car that is bouncing off the road with blaring -inappropriate- music! I h.a.t.e. that... really, I think my mommy horns come out the moment the first vibration hits me. You're doing great by praying... even if your hearts not in it just the mere act of humbling yourself in obedience has earned you blessings from Him. Sometimes we have to act first and the feelings will catch up with us! Can't wait to see what the Lord does next with your neighbor!

Unknown said...

We are supposed to pray for those people? (smiles) Why does it seem so much easier to tell them what we think than to pray? I guess it's that nasty flesh again. How awesome that you heard God's direction and listened. You may not have wanted to pray, but you did it. God will bless that.

Unknown said...

Heard someone say recently that Jesus tells us to LOVE our neighbors, but He didn't say anything about LIKING them :-)
Praying that God will continue to change your attitude toward this neighbor!

Kelli said...

Sounds like one of those little inconveniences God allows so he can scratch away the surface of our hearts as he shapes and molds us into the image of Jesus. I want to scream in those situations but it is always in those times that I feel God saying, pause, look at my face, don't let your reaction be typical... sometimes I blow it but I think I am improving! Great lesson to share...

Phather Phil Malmstrom said...

Replacing anger and frustration towards someone with prayer for them is an amazingly powerful action Mandy... May we all follow your example!

Have a Blessed Day!

Anonymous said...

I just got in a nasty argument with one of my neighbors and the other neighbor jumped in when it was none of his business. I went off on both of them, acted childish and said some crazy things. I had to get in my car and drive away before something happened. It's been a little over an hour that this happened and something came over me to pray and ask God for forgiveness on how I acted and how I behaved towards my neighbors. I prayed for peace for all of us. Immediately I felt so much lighter & relieved since I was still shaking from the anger & adrenaline from the argument. The "old" and younger me would want all heck to break loose. I have to live very close to these people who I have just argued with and there is no telling what will happen next. I am praying that God will keep me in peace, protect me and I will continue to also pray for them. I'm glad I came across this site. All of your postings helped me so much. Especially yours Mandy. God Bless you all!