That's how I've felt for the last 7 months. When God called me back to Him I instantly felt hurried. I felt like I had to learn as much as I could about Him as fast as I could.
My friend would give me teachings on cd, she let me borrow the Bible on cd, I would borrow books and learned how to pray all in a matter of months. As soon as I let God back in my life, He brought the most awesome people and friends I've ever known in to my life..all of this just in a matter of a month or two. I have a wonderful Church family that immediatley brought me in to their "circle" all so so fast.
To me it felt like the world was going to end and Jesus was coming back and I would get left behind because I wasn't ready. I felt like I only had a matter of minutes before everything would change and there was nothing I could do, I was just holding on by a thread.
I'm sure you've read the book of Esther (if you haven't, I greatly encourage you to do so) God positioned her in royalty for the specific purpose of saving her people, her family. Every instance of her life was leading her to the time when God called on her to do extrodinary things for Him.
God never causes bad things to happen, but he does allow things to happen in our lives to teach us, He uses those bad things to mold and shape us into who He wants us to be.

I know now why I felt so hurried for so long. He was preparing me for one of the greatest challenges I would have to go through. I just praise Him that I don't have to go through this alone. I can't imagine doing everything I am being called to do without God and the hope he has given me. He has His mind on us at all times dear friends, He loves us so much, much more than we could ever imagine.
"...and who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this" Esther 4:14
I absolutely love that verse. That is one of my favorite Bible stories.
God prepares us. He never leads us to something unprepared and He never leads us to something and walks away.
Your story is so inspiring. Your life is such a testimony. God is doing such amazing things in you and through you. I am so blessed to call you friend. Love ya!
As with Jenifer, one of my all time favorite Bible stories is Esther! I love the old saying, "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called!" That is so true...I am totally not qualified to do what He has called me to do, but He has caused me to be qualified. Same goes here...He never gives us more than we are able to handle, but with every trial and task, He provides us with what we need to complete it! Praise His name!!! I love what God is doing in your life, Mandy. You are a true inspiration!
Mandy, I was Blessed enough to be connected to you through Lisa's blog and I'm so thankful that I was. Your story, and your growth in God is an inspiration, and I thank you so much for sharing it with us! Have a Blessed Day!
Thanks for making me cry - again! lol God is so amazing!!! I love watching God work through you. As I've said before, I'm so blessed to have you as my friend.
You are not alone on this journey... "He's teaching me how to rely on Him. He's teaching me that the things I thought were important, really aren't as important as I made them to be. He's teaching me how to lay my pride down, be honest and ask for help. He's teaching me how to slow down and enjoy life." How wonderful that He's led us all here to read about it, be inspired by it and moved by it in each others lives!! Rejoicing for you!
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